Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Now I lay me....

Remember that great Golden Book with the adorable toddler on the cover, blond bangs pulled back in a clip, hands clasped in prayer? Her chubby cheeks are washed in a rosy glow and she looks like a little cherub? Lately whenever I look at Little Lady I am reminded of that book and it's beautiful images.
Little Lady has long ago memorized the typical children's prayer of "Now I lay me" and when we tuck her into bed each night she offers up this poem or a prayer of her own which involves thanking Jesus for pretty much everything....especially cookies and candy. Recently however she has expanded her prayers to "telling Jesus" about her day or asking for requests. She even presents requests on behalf of her babies. Yesterday she knelt by her dollies bed and, head bowed, asked, "Jesus please help my baby have a good sleep."
What really melts my mommy heart though is how in her prayers I get a glimpse of how she perceives the world. For example she recently prayed, " Jesus please help baby brother not to be sick so he doesn't have to go to the hosital anymore and mommy and daddy and Alli and baby brother can be home."
The past two nights her prayers have involved her nanna and pappa who are currently on vacation. The first night she prayed, (with a huge pout on her face and a quiver in her voice), "Jesus please help nanna and pappa to come home from Paradway (paraguay) because I'm crying!"
Then last night she prayed "Jesus please help Nanna come home so we can sleep in the tamping (camping) trailer. Me and Nanna. In the little bed." She is very specific in her prayers!

1 comment:

Rus and Bonnie Reimer said...

I wish I had faith like that! To pray with such simplicity and to have faith that God will answer... Hang in there Carissa!