Here are some things you CAN'T see: lots of dust, loads of bedding on top of one shelf, extra boxes, wrapping paper piled on the floor, magazine clippings. a bag of dry clean only clothes on the floor, a pile of clothes that are torn on top of one shelf.
Here are some things you can't see: No dust, clean floor, no extra boxes, no bedding on shelves, no dry clean bags on the floor, Hangers and clothes all sorted according to style (jeans, dresses, dress shirts, sweaters, etc.) and colour coded, no clothes that need to be mended.
I threw one bag of stuff in the trash, got one bag ready for thrift shop, and moved several boxes of stuff into storage. I feel so accomplished!
i just did this recently! our master bedroom closet! it does make you feel soooo good! such a simple task, but it does take some time, but it was so well worth it! thanks for the visuals, they really help! also a tip.. i noticed you had lots of gift bags, as do i! i took them all and put them into ONE large gift bag and it took up the same amount of room and i can now just thumb through them and find the one i want with out them all falling off the shelf or something like that! : ) just a suggestion that really helped me in a small way! lol-- i found it funny that i too color coded all the clothes! there's just one more thing we must have in common!
It looks great. Your house was so clean when we were there. It put me to shame, I have no kids and yet you still manage to have a much cleaner house.
Doesn't it feel great to get control, to clear the clutter, to see the organization? It's taken me too long to understand this, but now I just love it.
A website that has been exceedingly helpful for me (who was never taught any sort of housekeeping from my very loving but utterly undomesticated mother), is Flylady. I now have a system, and while my home may never be House Beautiful standard, it is clean, tidy, and gradually getting organized - from top to bottom! (And this with five toddlers during the day, and anywhere from two to eight teens on the rest of the time!)
This makes me happy.
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