Monday, July 30, 2007

To Teeth

Dear Teeth,
I take you for granted nine times out of ten. I watch you rip through my daughters red gums with determination. My motherhood instinct is to hate you. To wish you a way and want nothing to do with you. But you are not trying to disturb our peaceful life on purpose, you are just doing your job. You must tear those tender gums to turn our food into mush. Without you we would all be stuck sucking our food through straws or eating disgusting strained peas. We should feel pleasure at your presence but you are mostly regarded as a chore. Who wants another item on the to do list? Brush, floss, fix, fill. We would rather ignore these time consuming creations but without them you would go to waste. It seems all we do is suffer so you can survive. But in the end that's biting a bitter pill isn't it? In truth, teeth, you are our trusted companions. You make us sound smarter when we talk, take care of the chance of choking, and let's be honest, our smiles look a little silly without you. So I'm taking this time to thank you for your thoughtful presence in people's mouths. You do your job well. I just wish you could make your entrance a little less like a sickening horror movie. Perhaps this time around you, my daughters trusted teeth, could arrive on the scene like something from an old movie... slow, subtle, and sweetly refined. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Mom of a Munchkin

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