Seventeen years ago I was one excited (almost) six year old.... my baby brother was finally born! Just over nine months earlier I had begun telling sales clerks in stores "I'm going to have a baby brother by my birthday!". My parents were unable to concieve. But...out of the mouths of babes...miracles. Nine months earlier my parents had had an anointing/prayer service in the hopes of having a baby. A blue eyed baby boy arrived EXACTLY nine months later...just in a different way then anyone dreamed.
We adopted my baby brother the day he arrived on this earth. A laughing, bouncing, blond blue eyes bundle. My mom had always hoped for a blond blue eyed boy...and there he was. That was only one of many miracles surrounding the arrival of my brother.
He has been a most amazing addition to our family. From the first day he captured our hearts and held on. He fit in like a glove, just like the way his little fingers firmly fastened onto mine, he was emplanted in our family as if he had always been there.
Today he is a handsome, hilarious, and briliant young man. I am so proud to call him my brother. Happy birthday to the best brother ever!

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